

The most valuable asset

Time. The rich can’t buy it , it cannot be replenished. It is finite , yet sometimes we forget the importance of a good work life balance as though time were infinite. With the older generation , such as myself, this will resonate loud and clear. It is not an empty cliche , we feel it. It’s not always the things we did that we lament but those that we didn’t do that can cause us the most regret. With the younger generations the passage of time seems trite and irrelevant , time is on our side and the future is endless.

It is not.

There are many things I regret I didn’t do…

  • I moved to Oklahoma for my ailing mother – I wish I had spent more time with her.
  • Everyone has certain talents and I regret that I have not fulfilled my potential , instead working at menial , unfulfilling jobs.
  • I wish I had spent a LOT more time pursuing and following God. Time is short and nothing is more important.

As the stoics believed , the past is dead… let it go. All we can do is learn from it and move on. We can’t go back and do the things we wish we had but we can make the most out of whatever time we have left. The past is dead. R.I.P. !!!

Although bills have to be paid and a job is obviously essential , there are ways other than just a good work/life balance to make time for the significant people and things in life.

Things to keep in mind

  • When spending time with the kids make sure there are no cell phones , video games or any other distractions. Play a game of cards , go for a walk , go camping – TALK!! They will be adults before you know it and , trust me , you will miss these years and regret not creating these moments.
  • Date night. This is HUGE. More than fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Dinner and a movie is great , it doesn’t have to be anything big. Marriage is work ; keep the fire burning! TALK!
  • Make sure you squeeze in some time for yourself. It’s hard to be great for others if you’re not okay yourself. Treat yourself to Starbucks once in awhile , find a quiet spot at a park or lake to sit for awhile and decompress. I find that just a short break can do wonders.
  • And for myself, never forget that there is someone up above. I now ALWAYS make time to contemplate and work on my spiritual life. For me this is a primary function of my “me” time. Nothing is more important – PRAY!

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